The NCA’s latest SARs in Action publication is focused on Gambling, providing a detailed overview of the sector’s SARs regime. The publication includes insightful profiles from individuals in the sector, who share challenges, as well as best practice in managing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing risks.
The publication also highlights the ongoing collaboration between the UKFIU and the Gambling Commission to increase the quality and impact of SARs submissions from the sector.
In her opening message, Debbie Price, Head of the UKFIU, points to the video collateral created by the UKFIU and the Gambling Commission, which provides useful guidance to the sector on submitting better quality SARs. This is an important resource for the gambling sector, not only because the SARs submission from the gaming/leisure sector increased by 23.71% in 2019-2020, but also because all relevant licensed operators are required to consider applicable learning and guidelines published by the Gambling Commission when implementing AML policies, procedures and controls. Section, Anti-money laundering – Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, of the License Conditions and Codes of Practice requires that ‘policies, procedures and controls are implemented effectively, kept under review, revised appropriately to ensure that they remain effective and take into account any applicable learning or guidelines published by the Gambling Commission from time to time.’
This SARs In Action publication, follows the Gambling Commission’s latest revision (Revision 2) to the 5th Edition of the guidance for non-remote and remote casino operators on the prevention of money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism which was published last week.
Want to know more about improving your SARs processes? Read our handbook filled with hints and tips for writing and filing well-written SARs.